Plyometric Training

Physiology of Plyometrics

Plyometrics refers to exercise that enables a muscle to reach maximum force in the shortest possible time. The muscle is loaded with an eccentric (lengthening) action, followed immediately by a concentric (shortening) action.

Example Workouts;-

~Squat jumps~

1. 4 x 8 repetitions of each exercise
2. 2 minutes between sets
3. Fatigue must not impair speed of performance
4. Start with feet just beyond shoulder-width apart
5. Bend the knees to a three-quarter squat position
6. Extend the legs to jump into the air
7. Land and immediately power up into another jump
8. Keep the torso upright
9. Look straight ahead
10.Land on the balls of the feet
11.Use your arms to assist your jump power

~Side to side jumps~
1. 4 x 8 repetitions of each exercise
2. 2 minutes between sets
3. Fatigue must not impair speed of performance
4. Stand with your feet just beyond shoulder-width apart
5. Slightly bend your knees
6. Extend your legs and leap to one side
7. Land with your feet just beyond shoulder-width apart and on the balls of your feet
8. Immediately react to the ground and jump to the other side (use a relatively low trajectory)
9. Land and jump back across to the other side
10. Keep your trunk upright and look straight ahead of you

~Bunny Jumps~

1. 4 x 8 repetitions of each exercise
2. 2 minutes between sets
3. Fatigue must not impair speed of performance
4. Start with feet just beyond shoulder-width apart
5. Bend your knees to a three-quarter squat position
6. Swing your arms back and past your hips
7. Drive your legs explosively upward to lift your body from the ground and jump forward
8. Keep your trunk upright during flight
9. Extend your legs in front of your body to get you feet out in front of you
10.Land on the balls of your feet and spring into another jump

Used in the right programme these simple yet effective exercises can revolutionise your training and performance by dramatically increasing your speed, power and reaction times.


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