Your Heart!!!

Do you agree that the heart is just like a pump? Well, it is true. The heart functions as a muscular pump in our body. In this topic, you are going to learn all about the heart along with its cardiac cycle, circulation, electrical activity and pressure mechanism. Note that deoxygenated blood from the main veins flows into the vena cava. The blood from the vena cava goes into the right atrium, pumped into the right ventricle through the tricuspid valve and out of the right side of the heart through the pulmonary artery. The blood then flows into the lungs where there is diffusion of gas whereby CO2 is released into the alveolus and O2 diffuses into the arterial side of the circulation. Blood rich in oxygen then goes into the pulmonary vein on its way into the left atrium. From the left atrium the blood flows into the left ventricle through the bicuspid (mitral) valve. The strong pumping action of the left ventricle forces oxygenated blood into the aorta and then through the arteries to supply oxygen to various tissues and organs of the body.

Parkinson, G. (2007, April 3). Circulatory system [Video]. Retrieved from


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