
Showing posts from 2011

Types of Activities to more fit

Any exercise that involves the major groups of muscle in your body is recommended for cardiovascular fitness. You must do physical activities that are easily controlled in terms of intensity, provide an adequate means of expending calories, and has a low probability of injury. Start with lower intensity workout for a longer duration at the start of your fitness programme, progressing to more and varied activities as you become more fit. If you want to be fit, follow the FITT Paradigm below: F -  FREQUENCY  3-4 times per week I -  INTENSITY 60%  Maximum Heart Rate T - TIME (DURATION)  30 minute and more T - TYPE  Aerobic/Endurance Exercise Individualising the Exercise Workout You have been presented with the guidelines for exercise programmes to improve fitness of the general public. The Target Heart Rate (THR) is based on the minimal threshold of 60% Maximum Heart Rate (MHR). But you may encounter friends with different levels of fitness,...


Why is breathing so important in our lives? Here are some important facts about breathing that will interest you: 1.Our body requires about 40 kg of oxygen daily 2.We take approximately 21,600 breaths of air each day 3.Breathing regulates our heartbeat 4.Proper breathing is the very essence of life Now that you know the importance of breathing, have you ever thought what happens to the air that you inhale and exhale? Some of you might not know the significance of oxygen and its role in our daily life. Our body has a mechanism to process the oxygen intake which helps us to perform our daily task.                                 Example of breathing process  To know how the oxygen intake process works, you must be aware of the functions of lungs, heart, blood vessels and blood. All these component...

The benefits of core training

                 The significant benefits of core training follow through to whatever you are involved in, because the area around your trunk and pelvis is where your centre of gravity is located. A strong core gives you: -Better posture -More control -Improved, more powerful performance -Injury prevention and rehabilitation -Increased protection and "bracing" for your back  -A more stable centre of gravity  -A more stable platform for sports movements                             When you have good core stability, the muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen work in harmony. They provide support to your spine and help transmit increased power and performance for just about any activity.  A weak core makes you susceptible to lower back pain, poor posture and a whole host of muscle injuries. Strong core muscles provide...

The 7 WORST Exercises to NEVER Do

1) Leg Presses These are awful. Here’s why: Creates muscle imbalances, zero functional benefit, winds up joint to unsafe position Muscle Balance Perspective: •Quads are generally stronger than hamstrings; this reinforces the problem. When your quadriceps overpower your hamstrings in deep knee flexion, there is increased torsion placed into the meniscus, increasing the likelihood of knee injury. •Quads and glutes should be used as a pair. In this case, they are not being used effectively. When your glutes do not fire while using your quads with a great level of force, there is increased risk of low back injury. An imbalance between your quadriceps and hamstrings can quickly result in a number of knee issues, including patellofemoral (kneecap) and meniscus damage. Even worse, when your quads overpower your hamstrings, it’s not uncommon to develop restrictions in these muscles as your body attempts to even things out. These restrictions lead to increased pull on the top of your pelvis, ti...

Sebatian Ajaib: Air Susu Ibu

Dan Kami wajibkan manusia berbuat baik kepada kedua ibu bapanya; ibunya telah mengandungnya dengan menanggung kelemahan atas kelemahan dan menceraikan susunya dalam masa dua tahun; bersyukurlah kepada-Ku dan kepada kedua ibu bapamu; dan kepada Aku-lah tempat kembalimu. (Surah Luqman, ayat 14) Air susu ibu ialah satu sebatian tiada tandingan yang diciptakan oleh Allah demi memenuhi keperluan nutrisi bayi dan melindunginya daripada sebarang jangkitan. Keseimbangan makanan berkhasiat dalam air susu ibu adalah pada kadar yang tepat dan bersesuaian dengan tubuh bayi yang belum matang. Pada masa yang sama, air susu ibu juga kaya dengan nutrien yang mempercepat pertumbuhan sel-sel otak dan perkembangan sistem saraf.1 Makanan buatan untuk bayi yang disediakan dengan bantuan teknologi masa kini tidak dapat menggantikan makanan ajaib ini. Senarai manfaat air susu ibu kepada bayi bertambah setiap hari. Kajian menunjukkan bahawa bayi-bayi yang diberi minum air susu ibu terlindung daripada penyakit...


ALLAH telah menciptakan dunia untuk menguji manusia. Sebagai hamba yang sentiasa menerima ujian, kadang-kala DIA menguji manusia dengan kesenangan dan ada masanya dengan kesukaran. Individu yang tidak menilai setiap peristiwa dengan cahaya Al-Quran, gagal menanggapi hikmah di sebalik kejadian lalu lekas kecewa dan lemah pengharapan. Walau bagaimanapun, ALLAH tetap mendedahkan rahsia paling penting di dalam Al-Quran, di mana hanya hamba yang beriman dan bertaqwa sahaja yang mampu melihat. Rahsia yang dimaksudkan adalah seperti berikut: “Kerana sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan, sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan.”(Surah al-Insyirah: 5-6) Seperti mana yang ALLAH telah jelaskan pada ayat-ayat tersebut, walau apapun kesukaran yang dihadapi atau bagaimana ia diatasi, ALLAH menyediakan jalan keluar dan memberikan berita gembira buat hamba-hambaNYA yang beriman. Sesungguhnya, setiap hambaNYA akan dapat menyaksikan bahawa ALLAH sentiasa mengurniakan kemudahan pada ...


"Setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan merasai mati, dan bahawasanya pada hari kiamat sahajalah akan disempurnakan balasan kamu. Ketika itu, sesiapa yang dijauhkan dari neraka dan dimasukkan ke syurga, maka sesungguhnya ia telah Berjaya. Dan (ingatlah bahawa) kehidupan di dunia ini (meliputi segala kemewahannya dan pangkat kebesarannya) tidak lain hanyalah kesenangan bagi orang-orang yang terpedaya" (Surah Ali 'Imran, 185) Kematian akan datang kepada setiap manusia yang ada di dunia pada waktu yang telah ditetapkan sesuai dengan firman-Nya yang bermaksud, "Tiap-tiap diri (sudah tetap) akan merasai mati, kemudian kamu akan dikembalikan kepada Kami (untuk menerima balasan)". (Surah al-'Ankabut: 57) Harta, status, kekayaan, kemasyhuran dan kemegahan yang manusia miliki tidak ada yang dapat mencegah kematian. Kematian adalah hukum Allah; tiada siapa pun yang dapat lari dari kenyataan mutlak dan tidak dapat dielakkan ini. Sepertimana dalam ayat, "Di mana jua kamu ...

The 12 Brain Rules by Dr. John Medina

Rule #1: Exercise boosts brain power. Rule #2: The human brain evolved, too. Rule #3: Every brain is wired differently. Rule #4: We don't pay attention to boring things. Rule #5: Repeat to remember. Rule #6: Remember to repeat. Rule #7: Sleep well, think well. Rule #8: Stressed brains don't learn the same way. Rule #9: Stimulate more of the senses. Rule #10: Vision trumps all other senses. Rule #11: Male and female brains are different. Rule #12: We are powerful and natural explorers. That rule me listening a lecture from my boss...


MR.ADNAN OKTAR MEMEBERIKAN PANDANGAN TENTANG PERBINCANGAN MICHAEL JACKSON MEMELUK ISLAM SEBELUM DIA MENINGGAL DUNIA Anda dapat memberitahu kami perbaikan apapun yang mungkin Anda perhatikan. PRESENTER: "Adnan Bey, saya melihat anda dari Germany. Saya ingin tahu pendapat anda tentang Micheal Jackson. Hari itu abang nya, merujuk pada Micheal Jackson, 'jika dia tidak meninggal dunia, sudah pasti dia akan menjadi Muslim. Ini dapat dilihat dari hidup dan tingkah lakunya'. Laporan yang memberitahu bahawa Micheal Jackson adalah seorang Muslim, telah tersebar luas. Adakah anda rasa ada kemungkinan bahawa Micheal Jackson telah memeluk Islam tapi menyembunyikan nya?" Zafer Alyilmaz. ADNAN OKTAR: Micheal Jackson, ya, sepatutnya abang beliau tidak perlu mengeluarkan kenyataan itu. Dia adalah seorang muslim biasa. Dia adalah seorang yang mengembara ke negara-negara Islam dan membuat kajian dan berbual dengan orang-orang di sana. Terutama pada hari-hari akhir beliau,setelah dia men...

What are the major functions of water in the body?

Water is essential if the other nutrients are to function properly within the human body; it is the solvent for life. It has a number of diverse functions that may be summarized as follow: 1. Water provides the essential building material for cell protoplasm, the fundamental component of all living matter. 2. Because water cannot be compressed, it serves to protect key body tissues such as spinal cord and brain. 3.Water is essential in the control of the osmotic pressure in the body, or the maintenance of a proper balance between water and the electrolytes. Any major changes in the electrolyte concentration may adversely affect cellular function. A serious departure from normal osmotic pressure cannot be tolerated by the body for long. 4. Water is the main constituent of blood, the major transportation mechanism in the body for conveying oxygen, nutrients, hormones and other compounds to the cells for their use and for carrying waste products of metabolism away from the cells to organs...

What is Energy?

For our purposes, energy represents the capacity to do work. Work is one form of energy, often called mechanical or kinetic energy. When we throw a ball or run a mile, we have done work; we have produced mechanical energy. Energy exists in variety of other form in nature, such as the light energy of the sun, nuclear energy in uranium, electrical energy in lightning storms, heat energy in fires and chemical energy in oil. The six form of energy is; mechanical, chemical, heat, electrical, light and nuclear are interchangable acconding to various laws of thermodynamics. We take advantage of these laws every day. One such example is the use of the chemical energy in gasoline to produce mechanical energy, the movement of our cars. In the human body, four of these types of energy are important. Our bodies possess stores of chemical energy that can be used to produce electrical energy for creation of electrical nerve impulses to produce heat energy to help keep our boy temparature at 37 d...


The Beginning The first national competition was held in Kuala Lumpur in 1982. It started with two sports that are swimming and athletics. The competition held once in every 2 years, been organised by Malaysia Rehabilitation Council (MCR) with the support of Malaysia Welfare Support Service Development. It was held in various parts of the nation, until 18th May 1989, when the National Council for the Disability Sports was established and had been given the task to organise the competition. The following competition was held in Malacca in 1990, followed by Terengganu (1992), Johor (1994) and Sarawak (1996). In 1996, the council name was changed to the Malaysian Paralympic Council (MPC). The role and status of MPC is recognised by the government. As a sole body, MPC coordinates all the sporting activities for all the people with disabilities in Malaysia. In 1998, the National Competition for People with Disability has been renamed as the Sukan Paralimpiad Malaysia (SPM). The twelfth edit...


Kecederaan Ligamen sekitar buku lali adalah paling biasa ketika bermain dikalangan kecederaan terutama sekali dalam sukan melompat (contohnya, bola keranjang, bola tampar, dll). Pergelangan kaki mengandungi tiga sendi. Talocrural atau buku lali ialah satu sendi engsel membuat antara permukaan lebih rendah tulang kering dan permukaan atas talus. Malleoli yang tengah dan sisi menyediakan menyatakan dengan jelas tambahan dan kestabilan bagi buku lali. Pergerakan-pergerakan di buku lali ialah plantarflexion and dorsiflexion. Ligamen sisi mengandungi tiga bahagian: ligamen talofibular anterior (ATFL) pas-pas yang mana sebagai satu jalur datar dari hujung fibula anteriorly bagi leher talar sisi; ligamen calcaneofibular (CFL) , yang mana seperti seutas tali struktur berarah agak posteriorly; dan ligamen talofibular posterior (PTFL), yang mana menjalankan posteriorly dari fibula ke talus. Tengah atau ligamen deltoid pergelangan kaki (tidak ditunjukkan) ialah satu kuat, kipas membentuk lig...

Lebah Madu Pembina Sarang Yang Sempurna!!

Kamu semua telah sedia tahu tentang lebah madu. Mungkin kebanyakan daripada kamu pernah melihatnya di dalam cerita kartun di TV, atau, mungkin dalam kehidupan sebenar, berdesing-desing di merata tempat. Tetapi saya yakin ada banyak juga yang kamu tidak tahu tentang mereka... Tidak berapa lama dahulu, ibu, ayah dan saya telah pergi ke hutan untuk berjoging. Saya gembira di sana. Tetapi yang paling menggembirakan saya ialah seorang sahabat baru yang saya temui ketika kami beristirahat. Ia sangat kecil, tetapi ia amat bermakna kepada saya. Saya tidak akan melupakan sahabat kecil saya ini. Sudah tentu kamu tertanya-tanya siapakah dia? Sebenarnya, ia adalah seekor lebah madu yang riang. Ia datang kepada saya dan terbang mengelilingi saya untuk seketika. Mulanya, saya merasa takut disengat kerana ia terlalu hampir... Saya menjerit: "Jangan! Tolong jangan sengat saya. Saya tidak mahu dicederakan!". Dan kemudian sesuatu yang aneh berlaku, apabila lebah itu mula bercakap dengan saya. ...