Plyometric Training
INTRODUCTION P lyometric training uses the acceleration and deceleration of bodyweight as the overload in dynamic activities. The dynamic activities often used are depth jumping and bounding. This training method is seen to improve muscular speedstrength (power) thereby enhancing dynamic competitive performance such as jumping (Bosco et al., 1982). Plyometric training have been used as resistance training to improve jumping powers in many Eastern Bloc countries for at least over twenty years (Duda, 1988). During the 1960s, Yuri Veroshanki a Russian athlete coach, used plyometric training methods with much success for athletes involved in jumping events. Plyometric again became the focus during the 1972 Munich Olympics when the Russian Valery Borzoc won the 100m in 10.0 second and also won the 200m sprint event. Much of ValeryĆs success was attributed to the use of plyometric training methods. These incidents supporting the us...